Home Lifestyle Who Should Really Celebrate Women’s Day

Who Should Really Celebrate Women’s Day

by Femme StaffFemme Staff
2 minutes read

College Student

All the exceptional women can stand proud today knowing that they were a piece of the puzzle that is the concept of women’s day. Which is basically women empowerment, success, and overall gender equality. So cheers to Julie Gichuru, Lupita Nyong’o, Wangari Maatha among several other woman who managed to make an impact throughout our country. I’m talking about the woman standing next to you, the one who signs your paychecks, but most importantly, the one who’s reading this right now. Yes, you.

You may not be the first lady, but you wouldn’t believe how many people would be willing to run with you, maybe not literally, but emotionally. Basically you have fans, whether it’s your little cousin, your family, friends or a few associates on Facebook. As you grow, accomplish every obstacle and become successful the more people will watch in awe as you transform into a mini figure that those around you would like to emulate. When you stand up for what you believe in, people admire your courage and tend to follow suit.

As a little kikuyu girl who didn’t really understand the value of money, I vowed in my tiny pink diary that once I grew up, I’d earn at least $500,000 per month. Several years later, and I still have several zero’s to add to my pay check before my bank account would ever see those numbers. Every once in a while I smile at the larger than life dreams I had for myself, but again whose to stop me if I wanted to achieve these goals. Only myself. We can achieve or do anything we want. We’ve all heard remarkable stories, of women beating the impossible and rising to great heights, so what’s stopping us, scratch that, what’s stopping you?

Today I would walk into my place of work and observe a majority of women where men once used to sit, and when I came to think of it, my university classes similarly included a high quantity of ladies. Granted our boss is a man, but his boss is a woman, so checkmate.

And as we grow into a world that better accommodates women better, we must keep the future in mind. It’s important to remember that all of us are a crucial part of the environment influencing our world’s future women. Our ambition, our work, our efforts to maintain gender balance and our continuous refusal to give up are paving the way for the next generation, just as our mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers did for us.

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