Quantity vs. Quality: The Importance of Midwives In Maternal Health

At times it makes her wish she intentionally messed up when she was younger. You know, like had a child out of wedlock or something. She would have been in a better position- never mind the single mother title that she would have carried her whole life. Sometimes, in these sides of her world, the single mother title sounds better than single in your thirties.

Yet again, she wouldn’t have been where she is now, had she picked that path. Without a proper education and job, she probably would be struggling to feed her children.

In her neighborhood, there are tin houses. Whole families live in those single rooms. A particular family though grabs her attention. The wife is probably in her mid-20s; the husband could be in his early 30s. They have a full house- five kids and the woman seems heavy with the sixth child. These kids could form a perfect staircase should they line up together. She wonders why they are having more children. How do they fit in that small space? Anyway, that is the least of her concerns. They seem happy in their little palace.

The pregnant woman passes by the single lady’s door one day and greets her. She breaks the barrier that has existed in their two worlds. She asks her about a job, any job. She wonders to herself how this heavily pregnant woman will be able to do her laundry. ‘The kids have to eat’, she says and almost jolts her out of her deep thought.

Why not? She asks herself. “How much can you wash my clothes for?”

Two women brought together under very different circumstances with one thing in common- children. One has abundance; the other has a nudging desire to have one.

The Midwives Association of Kenya (MAK) Chairperson, Ms. Louisa Muteti said, that they felt the need to form an independent association, to tailor make their trainings and push agenda specific to midwives. “We acknowledge the issues of understaffing which has been brought about by nurses looking for better opportunities abroad”, she said.

P&G will focus on advancing midwives’ skills to improve service delivery to expectant mothers. P&G’s Mother and Baby Healthcare Program, has reached approximately 10 million mothers since its inception.

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