A Look At P&G Women Empowerment Efforts

We are all for women empowerment and development but there are tiny everyday scenarios and situations that still keep us locked in the stone age period where women were expected to do or not to do certain things because well, they were women. One of the biggest disparities along these lines have been in the corporate field where women are left behind in financial and career advancement. But that is not always the case in modern day corporate world as companies are taking deliberate steps to lift women up and empower them.

Procter & Gamble for example, has announced a series of measures designed to support a push towards gender equality in Kenya. For example, the company workforce is currently 50% women, and their career progression in terms of promotions and assignments grows at the same pace as that of men. Other than within the workforce, P&G has also supported women through their brands like Arial, Pampers, and especially Always through the Keep A Girl In School campaign.

In their efforts towards gender equality which is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Number 5, P&G has taken some measures within the organization.  In 2017, P&G will include more women owned businesses in their supply chain as suppliers. It will also continue spark women friendly conversation through their brand advertising campaigns and extend programs such as Always Keeping Girls in School program.

A financially empowered career woman able to take better control of her life by exploring even more career and income opportunities. She is able to better access healthcare, financial services as well as Government services to name a few. To empower women is to empower society and it is good to see companies working towards this.

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