Why I Absolutely Can’t Go To The Gym Today. 31 Reasons.

  1. I just had my hair done and it cost a pretty penny.
  2. I had to leave work, make dinner and still eat 3 hours before bedtime.
  3. My headphones got tangled up and I had to take time to sort that mess out.
  4. I have a hangover.
  5. I have an early day at work tomorrow.
  6. I didn’t sleep at home.
  7. I hate when people watch me work out.
  8. I’m just back from a work trip. I’m tired.
  9. The gym smells weird.
  10. I had a headache earlier in the day. I don’t want to risk further ill health.
  11. The month is way in. I have to start on the 1st of a month.
  12. My trainers didn’t dry.
  13. My gymbag is torn.
  14. I’ve skipped two days already. I’ll just stay in for the rest of the week and go back in earnest starting Monday next week .
  15. I need to shop for additional gymwear.
  16. I went yesterday.
  17. I’m too hungry to work out.
  18. My laundry basket is full. I need to clean some.
  19. I’ll do a few situps at home.
  20. I need to update my blog.
  21. I had a heavy lunch and now I’m too full to work out.
  22. I need to finish the book I’m currently reading so as to give it back tomorrow.
  23. My Mum is in town.
  24. I work so hard other days.
  25. I’ll go tomorrow.
  26. I’ll make today cheat day. I can sit in and have cake and muffins.
  27. I’ll do more tomorrow to make up for today.
  28. It’s cold and dreary. I’d rather be home curled on a sofa with a hot cup of something.
  29. I’m cold and cranky.
  30. My computer has a virus.
  31. I don’t feel like.

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