Home Hair & Beauty 7 Foods That Work Wonders For Your Skin

7 Foods That Work Wonders For Your Skin

by Femme StaffFemme Staff
2 minutes read

While we enjoy spoiling ourselves with mud masks and toners that promise to make our skin glow wonderfully, there’s only so much we can do if we don’t take care of our skin from the inside out. Meaning that what we consume should probably contribute in making our skins look even more miraculous. Here are a few foods that may do the trick;

Avocado; I’m sure you can get this in plenty from your nearest Mama Mboga, or supermarket. Personally I prefer blending avocado and banana into a smoothie, then enjoying the sweet beverage. Avocado has protein, omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D, making it an ideal moisturizing ingredient, particularly for your skin

Oatmeal; Another favorite of mine, oatmeal contains fiber which reduces levels of glucose, helping to regulate your blood sugar in the process. It also has the famous vitamin E, which promotes smooth and wonderful skin.

Yogurt; everyone loves yogurt, it’s delicious and nutritious. On top of that it ensures that you have perfectly flawless skin. Daily consumption of unflavored yogurt helps to detoxify your skin. Particularly consuming Greek Yogurt, however dairy milk yogurt may cause breakouts.

Grapefruit; this is a great source of protein, that reduces bloating and water retention, giving you an overall slim appeal.  

Lemon; this is a must have ingredient to anything skin related. Whether you apply it or consume it lemon is great for skincare. Lemon is a great way to flavor foods and beverages without adding extra calories, that’s right, you can use it to lose weight too.

Berries; from blue berries, black berries, to raspberries, you have plenty of options when it comes to this fruit. However the darker the berry is, the better health wise. Eating berries will help start up your collagen supply and attack free radicals produced by things like pollution.

Salmon; it’s not all fruits and vegetables that’ll get your skin looking flawless, a little meat here and there won’t hurt either. The high amount of omega-3 fat found in this fish is perfect for the general health of your skin. Also, consumption of the meat twice weekly could protect against skin cancer.

Nuts; another snack that is also high in vitamin E. Almost any kind of nut whether it’s an almond, pine nut, hazelnut or walnut increases your collagen levels to keep skin firm and protects skin against cell damage

Olive Oil; this is one hell of a triple threat, its used as cooking oil, hair food, as well as lotion.

While we are quick to search google for a DIY recipe to apply on our faces, its always good to ensure that your still consuming healthy meals that continue to nourish your insides.

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