Safaricom Foundation Hands Over Equipped Maternity At Baringo County Referral Hospital

Despite the best efforts from different sectors, statistics for maternal and infant mortality are still too high considering that they should preferably at zero. As per the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey and UNICEF, we’re losing at least 375 in every 100,000 women who give birth. We’re also losing 31 infants for every 1,000 born.

Government, NGOs and private sector are doing their part in different capacities and one of the companies that is at the forefront of supporting maternal health programs throughout the country is Safaricom through the Safaricom Foundation.

The foundation has different maternal health projects around the country. The most recent development is the building of a new maternal high dependency unit and a new born unit at a combined cost of Ksh.11 Million.  The investment will see the hospital increase its bed capacity at the Maternal high dependency unit from the current 8 beds to 36. It has also been equipped with patient monitors and a heating system.

“I would like to thank our partners, the County Government of Baringo, for their support in this maternal health programme. We commit to work together to deliver the objectives that we have set out to achieve to improve the lives of mothers and children in this county”

Rita Okuthe – Safaricom Foundation Trustee.

Last year the Safaricom Foundation also supported the county’s Barwessa health centre and Chemolingot sub-county hospitals by upgrading their newborn and maternity units respectively at a cost of Kes 21 million.

In January last year, Safaricom Foundation launched a KES 82 million Maternal, Newborn and Child Health programme in Baringo County with an aim of averting the high mother and child deaths that occur in the county.

Safaricom Foundation’s maternal health programme was launched in 2019 and so far, Counties in the Coast and Rift Valley regions have benefited from it. Under the programme the foundation set aside KES 132 million to promote maternal, newborn and child health services around the country.

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