Microsoft And IFC Partner In Digital Platforms To Promote Sustainable Agriculture On Africa

Microsoft, through its Africa Transformation Office (ATO) has announced a partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to support digital transformation in Africa’s agricultural sector. In a session during the Adaptation and Agriculture Day at COP27 in Egypt, the two organisations highlighted the partnership that aims to deliver digital agriculture products that support African agribusinesses to strengthen food security and develop greater resilience against climate change.

Through the partnership, digital tools such as Microsoft’s AgBot and Community Training applications are integrated with IFC’s Agribusiness Leadership Program to provide better information, newer technologies, and management capacity training to agribusinesses, farmers and cooperatives.

“Digital technology can improve the operation of key supply chains in the food system by boosting production, improving business practices, promoting traceability and increasing access to finance. However, the use of digital tools in Africa’s agriculture sector remains limited, often because of infrastructure, affordability, awareness, and regulatory issues,” said Henrik Elschner Pedersen, IFC’s Director for Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Services in Africa. “IFC and Microsoft are working together to change this so more agricultural players in Africa can leverage the power of the digital economy.”

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