Home News Make The Best Of Your Phone Battery With These Tips From Nokia

Make The Best Of Your Phone Battery With These Tips From Nokia

by Femme StaffFemme Staff
3 minutes read

A mobile phone, no matter how great the features are, will never be complete without a good battery. After all, users need enough peace of mind to explore all those features and to enjoy their devices to the maximum.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve become completely addicted to my mobile phone. Not only because of communication, but because with the right apps, I can comfortably fit 80% of my work in it.

What I do worry about however is battery. I have become completely paranoid about a dead battery and if ever I get to that red warning for low battery I’m usually at a full level of anxiety. Maybe I’ve attached a bit too much of my being on the phone life but hey! This is 2022 and it is what it is. And besides, I’ve not yet gotten to a dangerous level of manic anxiety so we’re still good. But a dead or dying battery is not something I want to deal with. It is something that could mean a missed opportunity because of a missed phone call or email.

If for your phone is an extension of your life as much as mine is and you need to be switched on at all times, you may need to either be near a power point most of the times, have a powerbank with you all the time, or have a phone with a good battery.

Good batteries are something that Nokia phones have always been known for and even in the latest brand promise that Nokia made to users under the Love it, Trust It, Keep it philosophy, long battery life is one of the pillars. Long lasting phones and batteries are not only good for user experience, but also for the environment since when we keep our phones longer, less waste goes into landfills.

To prolong battery life even further, HMD Global, the makers of Nokia phones have shared some tips to ensure that your battery is well taken care of.

Hold back on 100

Always charging your phone to 100% when using a high voltage charger can put strain on your phone’s battery. Pulling the plug at the 80-90% mark is a good idea, and you ideally always want to keep your phone’s battery between 30-80%. This will increase the lifespan of the battery.

Switch off your location

On Android phones, you can either switch off your location/GPS completely or block certain apps from tracking your location. See Settings > Apps to check what apps are using your location and switch these off.

Avoid exposing your phone to extreme heat or cold

Extreme cold temperatures can drain your phone’s battery faster. Keeping your phone at room temperature where possible, will ensure the battery lasts as long as it can.

Charge your phone during the day

If you want to keep you phone’s battery healthy, charge it during the day and not overnight. When a phone is left plugged in, the battery will start to drain again. Once the charge level drops below a certain threshold set by the manufacturer, it will charge straight back up again.  Ultimately, this can speed up the battery degradation, so you may end up finding that your phone ends up at 0% quicker than when you first bought it. If you do charge your phone at night, make sure it is not covered up e.g., under a pillow, as this can overheat the battery which will also worsen its performance over time.

Get into the mode

Features such as Smart Battery Mode on Android devices help conserve your phone’s battery, so you will need to charge it less often. Turning your phone on dark mode can also make battery life last longer throughout the day, as less power is needed to keep your phone’s display bright. See Settings > Display in order to access this.

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