Last week we took a look at Cadbury’s Give A Generous Voice Story Time Initiative, a 3-month campaign calling people to give their voice to record e-books that are already uploaded on the Cadbury’s microsite. The idea is to turn the Africa-themed e-books into audio books so that parents, siblings, family, and caregivers can access them freely on the e-library and use them for storytelling.
Other than being entertainment, storytime and storytelling play a crucial role in the development of young minds, fostering memory building, enhancing reading skills, and nurturing social-emotional intelligence. Our mothers and grandmothers before them knew this, and we modern mothers are also onto it albeit in more modern formats like audio story telling. This is why Cadbury’s initiative is so timely.
In this article, we look at how story telling plays a crucial role in children’s growth, which goes to show that we cannot let go of this age-old tradition.
Memory Building
Telling and retelling stories regularly helps children to develop better memory and recall abilities. As they listen to stories, they create mental images, connect characters and events, and build a mental framework for organizing information. This strengthens their memory muscles and promotes the development of long-term memory skills.

Reading Skills
Yes, storytelling does translate into better reading habits. By listening to stories, children become familiar with the rhythms and patterns of language, expand their vocabulary, and improve their comprehension abilities. When they start becoming readers, these skills help them to grasp writing styles and genres, ignites their curiosity, and encourages them to love reading. Furthermore, when parents or caregivers read aloud, they demonstrate fluent reading, nuances, and pronunciation, helping children develop their own reading skills.
Development of Social and Emotional Intelligence
Storytime is a powerful tool for nurturing social and emotional intelligence in growing minds. Through stories, children encounter various characters, each with their own emotions, challenges, and conflicts. As they relate to these characters and their experiences, they learn to understand, and identify with the feelings and perspectives of others, fostering compassion and kindness.
Often times, stories present moral dilemmas and ethical situations and this gives children the task to reflect on right and wrong. They learn to navigate complex emotions and make informed decisions. Storytime also offers a safe space for children to explore their own emotions, as they witness characters going through similar experiences. By identifying with these characters, children can better understand and express their feelings, leading to improved emotional intelligence and self-awareness.
Language and Communication Skills
Listening and reading are all about language and communication, and story time is simply perfect for developing this. Communication is a crucial skill to have throughout life, be it for work or home life. As children listen to stories and engage in discussions around them, they learn to ask questions in an effective manner, broaden their vocabulary, improve their sentence structure, and generally enhance their language fluency. Storytelling also encourages active participation, as children retell or reenact stories, fostering creativity and enhancing their verbal communication abilities.
By prioritizing story time, we provide children with a solid foundation for lifelong learning, creativity, empathy, and effective communication skills. It is great to see a project like Cadbury’s embracing the magic of story telling and keeping it going into the modern world, by using a medium that is more relatable to modern families. Children’s minds have a lot of potential and there is a need to embrace the magic of stories to unlock it, and to help them shape their minds as they grow.
I’m excited to follow this journey and will be sharing more of it here in the next few months. Meantime, head over to Cadbury’s audio book site, listen and share, and even record some books.
[…] share stories for entertainment, education, and to pass down cultural knowledge. Storytelling has shaped children from time immemorial and connected generations and […]
[…] Breaks – If a story is long or if a listener is distracted or has questions, take short breaks to process the story and to reflect on the plot. Pause narration when need, like at the end of a chapter, be to allow the plot to sink in and to keep the interest alive. For short stories like the ones on Cadbury’s audio books site, then a one-off listen could do. The Power of Storytime: Memory Building, Reading, and Social-Emotional Growth in Growing Minds […]